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Writer's pictureChris Keen

The perks of being married to somebody in the Military

As it’s Armed Forces Day today I thought I’d highlight a few perks of being married to somebody who’s serving and the perks of living within the military community...

You get to travel the world

There are so many amazing places where your spouse could be posted and depending on their job and location you could move with them...

You could find yourself in Germany, The Falkland Islands, Canada, Kenya, Cyprus, Brunei, France, Italy, America... The list goes on and memories in these locations are just waiting to be made.

Great community life

Community life within the military environment is brilliant. You’re always made to be feel welcome by your neighbours and there will be all sorts going on in the patch to keep you entertained.

I’d never heard of a safari supper before but since being married to Kelly I’ve been invited to quite a few of them!

If like me you’ve never heard of a safari super, it’s basically a dinner party which moves around houses, so you'll eat your starter at one house then move to another for the main and then to another to eat desert.

You’re never bored

There’s always something going on or something to look forward to whether that’s the next safari supper or being told that you’re being posted to Cyprus in 6 weeks so start packing!

Also the fact you’re always on the move to different locations means that you won’t get bored of the house/city you're living in... Some people hate moving all the time but I personally like it because It means you get a nice new house and a new area to explore.

If you plan it well, it’s like being on an extended holiday in each new location.

They keep you fit

Due to the nature of you spouses job (being in the military) they have to maintain their fitness levels and I don’t know about other you, but I always like to tag along whenever Kelly goes for a run or goes to the gym which keeps me fit in the process!

Also depending on where you’re based around the forces world, you may be invited along to circuits/spinning or other fitness based classes.

They love the outdoors

If you love camping and long countryside walks then you’re in luck because it’s probable that your spouse does as well, it could be one of the many reasons why they joined the military.

They should also be experts in map reading so technically you'll never get lost!

They are organised

When it comes to planning holidays, paying the bills, making sure the car is road worthy etc... Your spouse should be a big help with this sort of stuff because organisational skills are very important in the military.

Being organised and planning ahead has never been my strong point so luckily for me Kelly brings her skills home.

You can take advantage of military discount

I must stress with this one that it’s the serving spouse who is entitled to military discount!

I’ve come across many a spouse who believe that just because their other half is serving, they should also be entitled to money off stuff... but NO you shouldn’t!

If you’re with them then yes, as a family you can take advantage.

To be honest there aren’t that many places anymore who go out of their way to offer really good military discount which is quite sad really but hey ho, it’s the world we live in now.

The parties are amazing

As a spouse you’ll be invited to some amazing events and the military really do know how to to have a good time...

Thousands of pounds are pumped into the big parties like the Summer Ball and Christmas ball and it’s a great excuse to buy a new suit/dress.

I’m sure you’ll be invited to the spouse parties as well which are just for the spouses...

I’m yet to go to one of these, mainly because the ones I’ve been invited to so far have STILL been called or referred to as a ‘wives’ party and I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but I’m not a wife...


There are just a few of the perks I can think of, I’m sure there are loads of others and if you can think of any more, let me know and I’ll add them to the blog!

Thanks for reading!

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